Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 6

It’s week 6 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing and I hope you are all holding together well. How did you get on with Angela’s challenge for you last week?

The goal of these videos is to provide you with different ways to elevate your wellbeing from our mentors. Some ways might work better for you than others so try what feels right to become part of your daily/weekly routine.

Today our Founder, Matt Elliott, talks with Jeff Hardy about the Indigenous practices that have stood the test of time and are sure to have an impact on your wellbeing. As a mentor of The Change Room, Jeff passes wisdom and knowledge from his culture and emphasise the importance of taking time to connect with your story and appreciate nature – our greatest teacher of all!




This week’s Challenge:

  • 2-3 times in the next 2-weeks step out into nature (the bush, a park, the beach). Leave your phone and other technology at home and take time to appreciate the beauty before you

  • Notice how nature makes you feel and either write it down or share your experience with a friend or family member

  • Invite someone to join you on your walk

Tip Sheet:

  • Take time to learn about your personal, family and cultural history

  • Ask questions of those around you rather than relying on Google

  • What was it like when your parents & grandparents were growing up?

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 10

It’s episode 10 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing.


This week Matt Elliott catches up with Mark Hughes to discuss what are some tools or things to try if we are experiencing change or adversity. Mark has unfortunately had some significant challenges that he has had to overcome in his life and what he has achieved in the face of this is so inspirational.

As with all the Gameplan challenges we would like this to be about improving YOUR wellbeing, just take a moment to reflect on the past challenges and what has worked for you before diving into this episode.


  • Connect with your friends each day – even if it’s just a quick phone call to check in and see how they are doing this week

  • Find time each day this week to “get out good china” and appreciate the things that we have in our lives to be grateful for

Tip Sheet:

  • Try not to get hung up on things that we cannot change – focus on the things that we can change

  • We know that helping others elevates our own well-being – is there a way this week that you can make someone’s day by doing something a little extra for them

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 5

It is week 5 of The Change Room Game Pan for Wellness and this one has been such a timely reminder for me.

This week our founder Matt Elliott talks with esteemed author and presenter, Angela Lockwood, about disconnecting and finding calm. Why is disconnecting so important and how can it help us? As Angela explains, we often invite lots of noise into our lives and homes which can lead to overstimulation, this, in turn, can have a negative impact on our mental health. Being able to disconnect for at least an hour a day can help us quieten that noise, feel calmer and connect with people and activities that nourish us.


Be careful what we wish for – During the lockdown, we have been given the gift of time so doing activities that nourish our bodies and souls like reading a book, gardening, or planning activities is a good way to disconnect from the everyday noise.

We are going to be out of this lockdown period soon and life will quickly become busy again. Use the next few weeks to do something every day (ideally) that is about YOU.

Tip Sheet:

Try to limit your time in front of the TV, have a break from looking at social media, turn off the notifications on your phone and get outside in the amazing spring sun 😉

Best of luck and have a great week.

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 9

It’s week 9 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing.

Today Anthony Minichiello has Matt Elliott in the box seat who wants to share some insights to you on gratitude, kindness and connection during the lockdown and what this can do for your wellbeing. We are a social species that thrives on our connection and interaction with others. We know this because we are have experienced the impact of this on our wellbeing over the past few months. What we want to tap into this week is kindness and the impact that it has on your wellbeing. It seems like it is so simple but it’s amazing the impact that this will have on your wellbeing – scientifically we know that

  • Kindness makes us happier,

  • Kindness is good for the heart,

  • Kindness slows ageing,

  • Kindness improves relationships,

  • Kindness is contagious.

Matt’s challenge for you for this week is to bring an act of kindness into your day. It doesn’t have to cost you anything but take note of how this makes you feel and the impact that has on the people you connect with.


  • Reach out to a person that has had an impact on your life and let them know how grateful you are for what they did for you

Tip Sheet:

  • Don’t stop there – what other acts of kindness can you squeeze out of this week 😉

  • Spend a couple of minutes and search acts of kindness if you are out of ideas and get a few of them into your week

  • Being grateful and kind are free but the impacts on your wellbeing are profound

I’m grateful that we have the opportunity to provide you and your team with resources that we KNOW will elevate your wellbeing.

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 4

It’s week 4 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellness. Anthony Minichiello talks with our founder Matt Elliott about the previous weeks ‘Game Plan’ challenges and how they have gone so far….no coffee was a challenge for Matt and probably a lot of us! Look at the previous week’s videos if you would like to catch up on the different tools our Mentors have provided and find the 1 or 2 things that really resonate with you.

Matt gives us some tips today to help us take back control of this 2021 remake of Groundhog Day. For most of us, our routines have been upended and changed dramatically through this period and we can get into a habit of letting the day take control of how we feel and what we do. Matt talks about the opportunities change can bring and taking time to improve …under threat, there is always opportunity.



Every morning for the next week before you jump into the day do this 2-minute routine

  1. Step Back: be aware of how you are feeling and how you want to feel?

  2. Step Up: What are your priority tasks for the day and they don’t need to be work-related. How & when will you get them done? How will it feel when you have completed them?

  3. Step In: With the energy of feeling the way you want, immediately move in the direction of getting your priority tasks done

If at any stage during the day you feel overwhelmed or overloaded do this 1-2min process.


Tip Sheet:

  • In these times of change look past the threat and find the opportunity; to learn, exercise and connect to others

  • Don’t make the list too big – usually, there are one or two key things that you really need to do to change the course of your day for good

  • When you have tasks to complete do the most difficult & most important first – eat that frog 😉

All the best from The Change Room team.

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 3

It’s week 3 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing.


This week our founder, Matt Elliott, sits down with mentor Nam Baldwin. Nam is a breath training and high-performance Coach and has worked with world champions, NRL teams, business leaders and is a regular presenter at The Change Room program. In this week’s video Nam helps us understand how breathing can take us from a state of stress to a state of calm. Nam explains that the one thing we do have control over is our breath and regulating this helps us cope better with stress, gives us mental clarity and keeps us present.


Nam also provides some useful tips for communicating ver Zoom and facing some difficult conversations or meetings.




  • Every morning for the next two weeks when you wake up do 2 minutes of nasal breathing to help oxygenate your body and let’s try not to touch our phones for at least the first 30 minutes of when we wake up. Let the first 30 minutes be about your health.

  • During the day if you need a break to prepare for, or come out of a stressful situation remember that the way you breathe has the biggest impact on how you feel. Nam has created a tool to guide you through this practice Click here to listen now

  • You need to be calm to go to sleep – try practising Nam’s breathing technique for a few minutes as you go to bed of an evening to help calm your mind.


Good luck and we hope this helps you during this time.

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 2

Matt Elliott, The Change Room Founder, talks with our mentor Dr Ali Walker about how you can increase your connection during the Covid Pandemic and lockdown restrictions. Dr Walker is an expert on connection and human behaviour and shares her tips on what has worked for her during these challenging times. Connecting with others improves our health and wellbeing, Dr Walker’s tips are especially important when many of us cannot physically be together. Connecting with others in a way that nourishes you is scientifically proven to be the biggest impactor on improving wellbeing. Whether it be by phone, zoom, email, text or even a letter in the post we ask you to think about people in your life that you can connect or re-connect with.



Send a note of gratitude or a gift to a different person daily for 1 week using SMS, email, phone or post!

Keep in mind the old saying “If you want a friend, be a friend.”

Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 1

In this episode, Matt talks with Anthony Minichiello about the importance of nutrition and eating well to help us feel healthy whilst we are at home. Take a look at the video and the challenge for this week.



  • For 2-weeks eat only three meals and cut out all snacks

  • Give your digestion a rest for 12 hours every day by leaving a space between dinner & breakfast for the 2-week challenge

  • OPTIONAL: 10 days off coffee

Tip Sheet:

  • Get outside and get some direct sunlight on your face

  • Walk on the grass with bare feet (Earthing)

  • Know the source of your food and how you prepare it (for more info go to )

  • Cut the CRAP

  • Carbonated Drinks

  • Refined Sugars

  • Artificial Sweeteners & Colours

  • Processed Foods

The Change Room Lunch & Learn Case Manager Training – Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Change Room is an intervention that helps to make a huge shift in mindset for our participants. While this is a whole team effort we are here to support you.

Find out how you can use The Change Room Programs to improve the recovery process and support people to transition back to work through improved wellbeing & quality of life.

What will be covered?

  • The Change Room 8 Foundations

  • The Change Room Program Outlines & Inclusions

  • COVID-19 Safety Measures

  • Program Outcomes

  • Who to Refer & How to Refer


Rugby League Great Shares His Four Steps Of Good Nutrition With Coffs Health Workers

Anthony Minichiello discusses using nutrition to aid recovery with health workers at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus.

Photo: Green Shoots Marketing


NRL legend Anthony Minichiello was in Coffs Harbour to show 100 frontline health workers how to use food to improve their health and wellbeing.

The Australian representative and NRL premiership captain is a mentor for The Change Room, a program that teaches about nutrition, movement and exercise and how it can aid in recovery and injury prevention.

Using the experience he learned during a 15-year rugby league career, Minichiello said he’s walking evidence of the benefits of the program.

“I’ve got a lived experience with my own injuries.

“Back in the mid-2000s I had three spine injuries and a major leg injury. I revamped everything with my lifestyle and I had a breaking point and it was food,” Minichiello said.

“I have my four simple steps now that I share with people and what I live by and I’ve seen the changes in my own body and the changes in my own spine to improve my own health.

“I just want to share that story and hopefully improve others. In the program we’ve had huge results with the four steps and what the other mentors share as well.”

Speaking at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus with the health workers, Minichiello shared his story as well as his four steps.

“My four steps for nutrition is to get to know the source of your food, the process of your food, decrease consumption of refined and processed foods and then step four is an intermittent fast,” he said.


DECEMBER 16 2020

Brad Greenshields, News of The Area